People Explain Which Facts Society Can't Seem To Accept

You'd think by now, after roughly 6,000 years of human civilization, that people would get the picture and come around to accepting certain simple facts. But that's not necessarily the case.

After Redditor Zai_Kia2 asked the online community, "What is a fact that people just straight up can't accept?" people went all IN. And before any of you say anything, no, freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from criticism. This has been a message from our sponsors.

"You don't have to..."

Learn how to say "I don't know"

You don't have to know the answer to everything.


"Just because..."

Just because you can do something doesn't mean it's a good idea.

Just because you are allowed to do something doesn't mean it's a good idea.

Just because you are entitled to do something doesn't mean it's a good idea.


"An opinion..."


An opinion is different to a fact.


"Everyone is from..."

Just because something isn't impacting your life doesn't mean it isn't impacting someone else. Everyone is from a different background, and everyone experiences life differently.


"That other people..."

That other people are 3 dimensional human beings with complex emotions, personalities and beliefs shaped by a lifetime of experiences.


"Those who think they know better..."

Those who think they know better than trained and skilled professionals with first-hand knowledge don't know as much as they think they do and should shut the hell up regarding said things they don't actually know much about.


"I've come to realize..."

I've come to realize that people fundamentally don't understand what their right to free speech actually means.

Everyone's so quick to cite their freedom of speech but have no clue that it means you can say what you want, barring the Freedom Act, and the government won't put you in jail.

It doesn't mean that you can say what you want and your neighbor cant call you a moron if what you're saying does in fact show that you're being a moron.

It's like in the last 10-15 years people have all of a sudden decided that freedom of speech means freedom from criticism, and it literally makes no sense to me.


"Your life and your mental health..."

Even family can be toxic. Just because you are related doesn't mean you have to accept their toxic attitude and willingly remain in a toxic environment. Your life and your mental health ARE IMPORTANT and you should avoid toxic people who damage that, even if they are family.


"Too many people..."

Vaccines are safe, they help build up an immunity to diseases.

Too many people don't accept this. In their view, they are more qualified than a Doctor.

One woman, for example, did not get any degree in health, but feels she has to make sure no one gets vaccines. She's from Samoa as well, who recently had a measles outbreak because people didn't have vaccines.


"There are people out there..."

That they could be the villain.

There are people out there who do/think/say awful crap because they think they're right, think that they have the moral high ground.


Do you have something to confess to George? Text "Secrets" or ":zipper_mouth_face:" to +1 (310) 299-9390 to talk to him about it.

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