People Explain Which TV Shows Were Absolutely Perfect From Start To Finish

People Explain Which TV Shows Were Absolutely Perfect From Start To Finish
Photo by Jonas Leupe on Unsplash

We've all been watching a lot of television of late, haven't we?

Don't lie. This is a safe space.

Quarantine and lockdowns aside, this is the golden age of television. While the movie theaters are dominated by big blockbuster bonanzas raking in billions of bucks, television has evolved into the premiere visual storytelling medium. There are captivating shows, on a dozen or more streaming services, all at your fingertips.

What are the best, start to finish, shows ever?

Keep this list handy the next time you don't know what to start watching.

Reddit user, Aggressive_Sea_8206, wanted to know what we should all get started binging today when they asked:

"What TV show managed to be consistently fantastic from the first episode to the finale?"

The saddest part about some of these shows is they were never allowed to go longer than a few seasons before they were being cancelled. Still, sometimes one season is enough to make an impact.

The Balance Of Power Is Shifting

"Rome was unfortunately canceled after 2 amazing seasons"


"The weakest part of Rome is the rushed pacing in the 2nd season, and that's just because they were trying to wrap it up when they were told they were being cancelled."


I Would Love You In Any Way That I Could

"Pushing Daisies was a really fun and pretty show."


"A victim of the writers strike. That show was so lovely and charming."


The Belief In Evil Is Not Necessary

"Criminal Minds"

"Boring show description but it was amazing from the beginning to the end I don't ever remember a bad episode, every episode kept me entertained"


Cause Freaks Go All The Way

"Freaks and Geeks."

"…and they cancelled it."


"This is the one show that REALLY bothers me they can never make again. That cast was literally perfect, and they’ll never be that young again. I know that can be said about a lot of shows…but it kills me this show wasn’t ever finished."


Netflix To The Rescue

"Lucifer. They managed to make me not only sympathise and want the best for Satan, but his girlfriend, daughter, step-daughter, brother, sister-in-law, nephew, his demoness best friend and her wife, while also making fun of religion without it being too overblown or central, and every single member of the supporting cast is excellent."

"I’m so glad that Netflix picked it up, because the Fox finale was perfect, but the Netflix finale broke me"


Are We Having Fun Yet?!?

"Party Down. I answer the same way every time this question comes up (like twice a week), and it seems like I'm the only person who watched it."


The Oscars aside, animation always has, and always will, be a superior form of storytelling because they can tell the tale "real life" productions never could.

Sometimes I Feel Like I’m Just Like A Boat Upon A Winding River...

"Over the garden wall."


"Over the Garden Wall is the closest thing to a masterpiece I’ve ever seen."


"100%. It's like nothing else I've ever seen while being so reminiscent of growing up in the 70s in the USA. All those folklore cartoons with quirky humor. The sometimes odd unintended creepiness of kids shows. The song and dance numbers. It felt like so many of the short films on reels that teachers would show their in their classrooms...even that flickering quality of watching projected movies was somehow conveyed. All those stories that had lessons in them and the danger to children if not heeded. The music and the art of the animation were incredible. Loved this show so much."


Unstoppable Is Just Another Kind Of Stoppable

"The Dragon Prince is forever my favourite series"


"So, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard that The Dragon Prince is like a... spiritual successor to Avatar: TLA. Is that true? Or is it that it kinda has the same "feeling" as Avatar?"


"I've never heard of anybody relating it to avatar in any way shape or form but I guess it has a similar feel"


Finally, I Have Them All

"Gravity Falls"


“Gruncle Stan….. I trust you 🙆♀️.”


"It so perfectly captured that melancholic aspect of every coming-of-age story. The show made me nostalgic for a preteen summer in the Pacific northwest that I never even had"


Good News, Everyone!

"Futurama. As an adult now, I love rewatching it and finding out more hidden jokes and Easter eggs."


"Agreed. It was "funny" as a kid but as an adult it's an amazing show"


Sometimes a show is so perfect, you can feel the detail, the love, the care, the consideration, placed into every scene, making you have to go from one episode to the next. These aren't the shows that you binge because they're so trashy you can't stop watching. These are the ones you keep watching because you want to absorb visual brilliance.

This, At Last, Is The Gift Of Chernobyl

"Chernobyl. Perfect Television."


"Yes, I was just talking with a friend about how I have so much respect for the show runners choosing to only do 5 episodes. I will happily take 5 absolute perfect episodes that fully tell a story instead of 10-22 episodes or countless seasons. Chernobyl is easily top 3 shows ever made and does so much with only ~5 hours of screen time."


Give Me All The Bacon And Eggs You Have


"Now, this is coming from a huge office fan. However, I know enough to admit that Parks and Recreation is just better. Of course, I will always identify as an office fan. All my friends associate the office with me to an extreme. But I know deep down that I truly like Parks and Recreation more."

"This is the first time that I’ve ever admitted this, but it is absolutely, undoubtedly true. Each episode EXCEEDS expectations, no matter how many times I’ve watched it (way too many to count) Please watch it. I swear you won’t regret it."

"Sincerely, An Office (Parks and Rec) Fan <3"

"EDIT: Much like the office, I advise you to skip the first season. It took them a minute to find their rhythm."


Say My Name

"Breaking bad."

"It seemed impossible that they could end such an amazing show and have the finale be any good, but they pulled it off."


You're Dead, You're Dead, You're Dead

"What we do in the shadows"


"Jackie Daytona."


"That's human bartender Jackie Daytona to you, sir!"


"Only got better and better as it went on! I tried it out of sheer boredom one day and ended up binging it! Can't wait for season 4."


Jason Figured It Out?!?

"The Good Place"


"I have to thank Jason Mendoza for all my knowledge about Jacksonville."


"It really did have a good running story line that evolved without being predictable. I literally had no idea what to expect, was completely taken by surprise by the big twist, loved all the characters, and they even wrapped the series up with a very satisfying conclusion."

"It was great"


Why are you still reading this? Get watching. Clearly there's tons of brilliant television to take in.

What television show do you think was perfect from start to finish? Tell us about it in the comments!

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