School takes up a large portion of our lives. Most of us go to school from the age of 4 or 5 until we're 18; that's a lot of time spent in a classroom! Your recollection of most of that time spent learning has probably grown a bit fuzzy, if you're more than a couple of years out of school, if it hasn't started to fade from your memory completely.

Different things stick out in different people's memories though, so it's super interesting to see what kind of things we all remember. Reddit user alpacaballs asked a great question to get those memories flowing:

"Out of all the classes you took from middle through high school, what piece of information do you remember the clearest?"

I think my clearest class memory is a song I learned in my freshman year Japanese class. Kobayashi Sensei taught us a song to remember the words for all of the days of the month in Japanese that don't use standard number words (like first, second, third, etc. in English). It has been...let's say more than 10 years...and I still remember it clearly because it was set to music.

Reddit users didn't disappoint with their random and sometimes hilarious memories, so read some of the best ones below.

That's One Way To Get Your Students' Attention

“Kinky People Can Often Find Great Sex" My 11th grade bio teacher said this once and only once and I've never forgotten it.

Kingdom phylum class Order Family Genus Species


Pythagoras Strikes Again

That damn **Pythagorean theorem.**

It's taking up valuable brain real estate.


You could probably use it to calculate exactly how much real estate.


A Rainbow of Knowledge

How colours work: The object is absorbing all of the wavelengths / colours of the visible spectrum, except the colour it appears to be (which it reflects). White objects are reflecting all of the colours in the spectrum, and black objects absorb all of them (which is why you feel extra warm when wearing black on a sunny day).


It's Actually A Moebius Strip

How to draw the cool S.


The thing with the triangle on top and bottom of two rows of three parallel lines where the row as are connected via diagonals.

... I realize this isn't helpful if you don't already know what it looks like.


The Verdict

OJ was found not guilty. My clearest recollection of High School was watching the verdict in Physics class.


Always Ask Questions

I didn't know what "egregious" meant.
A test in my history class only had one question, "What egregious acts did the natives incur from the colonists?"
I didn't know what the word meant, so I guessed, and sited a few treaties about their reallocation, and mentioned nothing of the horror they indured.
I failed it.
The moral of the story was, I'll never be too proud to ask a question again. If I don't know what something means, it only makes sense to ask.


Don't Lick It

When collecting rocks it can often be useful to lick them to help in identifying them. If you can see a blue streak int them, don't though, as that could be arsenic. I believe this to be true, but never really looked into it, because I don't collect rocks. I remember it because I got pissed at that teacher and told him to go lick the blue rock.


That'd be a great insult at a bar or something. Both insulting and confusing at once.


Is It Though?




Pluto is a planet.


I'm a Little Nucleotide

The makeup of nucleotides.

The biology teacher in middle school taught us a song he made up, which I haven't forgotten to this day.

"Here is mr nucleotide. A Pentose for his nose. One eye is a phosphate, the other a nitrogenous base."


7th Grade Woes

In 7th grade, we had to memorize the helping verbs. AM AS ARE WAS WERE HAVE HAS HAD DO DOES DID CAN COULD WILL WOULD MAY MIGHT SHALL SHOULD MUST BE BEEN. Why this is stuck in my brain years later I don't know.

Same with another 7th grade useless moment, how to say "Can I throw this piece of paper in the garbage can?" Puis-je jeter ce morceau de papier à la poubelle?

7th grade was a weird year.
