Dog Owners Share Tricks For Identifying Their Dog In A Crowd

Dogs are as individual as people.

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While all dogs have some traits in common, for the most part, dogs have individual personalities just like humans. When you live with your puppy for a long time, you get to know these traits pretty well. And sometimes that can come in handy.

For instance, like when themegnugget asked:

If your dog was in a large crowd of dogs of the same breed, how would you be able to tell which one is yours?

Dog owners had the answers quickly.

No Interest

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Throw a ball.

He would be the one left standing there after all the other dogs had taken off after it.


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Call his name and look for the one who thinks it's hilarious to run in the opposite direction.

Don't Look At Me

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My dog flips his sh-t when I make "binoculars" with my hands and look at him with them. Howls and barks and tries to attack me. He absolutely hates binoculars. I have a video of it somewhere. Two seconds...

Edit: here's the vid. I just remembered I answered a similar question about a year and a half ago and posted this vid as a response. Hope you like it.

The Carpet

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Put them all on carpet. My dog is strangely addicted to licking carpets and will do it for up to an hour at a time. She's my dumb dumb. Not the smartest dog in the world, but we like her.


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Just pet another dog. He'd be so jealous that he'd knock me over getting me away from the interloper.


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Send in an elderly woman with a bad hip wearing white jeans into a damp muddy field holding her phone in one hand and a coffee in the other...

Monty the ill mannered Golden assassin would make himself known in the first 3 seconds...

The Silliest Doberman

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He'd be awkwardly and goofily bowing down and frolicking about, attempting 8 different games of tag in a probably otherwise regal looking crowd of other Dobermans.

Head Press

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We have a special 'hug' I call a head press, I kneel on the ground and she stands there gently pressing the top of her head into my lap, wagging her tail as I pet her and tell her she's a good girl. I've never 'hugged' another dog like that and I work with dogs every day. She also has a unique scar which would be pretty foolproof.

Biiiiiiig Puppy

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If I sit cross-legged in his field of vision, he will race to my lap. He is not a puppy anymore. Send help.

Peter Pan

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Look for the idiot trying to attack his own shadow.

Butt Wiggle

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The one who's butt wiggles in a circle instead of back and forth when they get excited

That Guilty Look

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Yell her name and then immediately start running in the opposite direction, she'll be the first by my side wondering where we are running to next. Or I would loudly say "OUCH!" And she'll come running over to protect me. Or I'll yell "IN YA BED" and she'll be the most guilty looking dog in the place.


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Start playing harmonica or clarinet. Both my dogs lose their sh-t and start howling.

Or, yell out what I say each time I feed them, "sitting nicely". If they don't come when called, I say it because then they think I have food.

Collie Collie Oxen Free

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The rough collie with the unusually short coat, doofy notched ear, and speckled legs who would already be walking backwards into me wanting her butt scratched.


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Just stand there and wait for the block head to ram other dogs out of the way.

My dog enjoys headbutting other dogs, people, couches, doors, walls, ect.


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It would be a crowd of husky's sooo none of them would listen. Or I could not get a word is because of all the howling. Mine might be the dummy eating rocks in the corner.

Special Rock

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My dog has carried around the same rock every day for a year because one time I sat him down and told him that it was a special. He LOVES THAT ROCK. All I would have to do is point to it and say, "Is this your special rock?!?" and he would flip.

Jealousy Part 2

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Assuming my husband is with me, we'd start kissing. My Nash gets very jealous and possessive of my husband so whenever we get intimate he'll come over and push us away from each other.

Call Frank

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My dog sings whenever Frank Ocean plays so I would blast it on the radio and see which dog starts howling.

I Am Your Owner

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My dogs hates when I put on my Darth Vader mask. She bolts away immediately with her tail tucked under. I'd put that thing on.