People Divulge Which Things Are Socially Unacceptable Unless Done By A Professional

People Divulge Which Things Are Socially Unacceptable Unless Done By A Professional
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

We have no problem paying highly skilled, trained professionals to do the unique, difficult-to-tackle jobs for us. That's not the issue. The issue is if someone tries to do the thing others are paid and given time to learn to do without any of the training required. You ever try to check someone's teeth on public transit?

This is why we hire professionals.

Reddit user, darkskinx, wanted to know what you probably shouldn't be doing if you're not a professional when they asked:

"What's something socially unacceptable, unless done by a professional?"

The discussion about medical care in this country and the unnecessary hurdles we need to jump through is a discussion for another time. The only thing we can talk about today are how we should be more thankful to our medical professionals for not completely losing their minds and turning on us.

Leave Everything On The Inside

"Cutting someone open."


"Yeah i'm a proffesionale murderer"


"Aka bad surgeon."


It's All About Who You Know?

"prostate exam"


"my wife aint a medical professional but she's better and gentler at that task than any doctor I've met."



"Cremation of a body."


A workplace environment breeds strange interactions, ones we could never replicate outside of the cubicle walls. You ever try to a friend or family member there's going to be a "corporate retreat" when you're really trying to say "vacation?"

It only gets weirder from there.

I Guess Your Dentist Would Need To Know These Things?

"Hey dude, are you sexual active? How often are you flossing these days?"


"I Hope This E-Mail Finds You Well"

"Passive aggressive emails"

"Corporate culture is toxic"


But I'm The Boss So It's...Still Not Okay.

"Treating employees like imbeciles and indirectly degrading them until they become mentally unstable. It’s far more common than anyone truly understands."


This Is Why We Should Pay To Keep The Good Ones

"Requiring all your kids to spend hours in a room everyday with a single adult that you're unfamiliar with, while said adult does their best to shape their minds and their understanding of the world."


We should be thankful there are people who we pay to do these things.

Otherwise, we should fear for the all the cows out there.

It's Not What You Do, It's HOW You Do It

"Sometimes I wonder if "remembering" is one thing."

"I mean you all know the "don't confuse your Google search with my doctor degree"."

"I'm a programmer, google IS my tool to remember."


"Knowing how to construct a useful search of reputable resources is a trained skill."

"Doctors and scientists use Google (and other materials beyond memory) all the time too, but the difference is knowing how to articulate the question, understanding which part of the context needs to be taken into account, and how to evaluate a resource as reliable and/or consistent with what you do expertly know."


And Then They Report You To The Ring Community Page

"Locksmith opens doors and even gets money, when I try suddenly everyone is mad"


Unless You're A Licensed Professional, Maybe Keep Your Hands To Yourself...

"Artificial insemination of cows to produce dairy.."


"This could be changed to "Forced insemination to produce dairy"... Definitely grimmer meaning."


"And bull milking"


Go to school. Attend a trade show. Get the necessary training required to do what we should not be doing in our day-to-day lives.

Seriously, let's leave the cows alone unless we're properly compensated.

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