People Divulge Which 'Healthy' Products Are Actually Quite Harmful

People Divulge Which 'Healthy' Products Are Actually Quite Harmful
Photo by Alexis Chloe on Unsplash

It shouldn't be hard to try to become healthy.

While your mileage may vary, and everyone who can should talk to their doctor before starting any new health regimen, it doesn't have to be tough to get active. Go for a walk, get to sleep on time, and avoid eating food that has 60g of added sugars in it.

However, it feels like the world is against you, as most stuff marketed or sold as "healthy" could actually be the thing hurting you most.

Reddit user, SingLikeTinaTurner, wanted to know what's actually a scam when they asked:

What do people think is healthy but is actually harmful?

Seeing something on the shelves marked as "healthy" shouldn't cause you to second guess yourself. It should be easy, right? However, these products might be holding a darker secret than you realize.

For Those In The Back: Its Not The Fat, It's The Sugar

"Low fat or non fat foods tend to add more sugar than their regular fat counterparts to make up for the lost flavor."

"Edit: To clarify, for example I'm talking about something like reduced fat cheese its vs the regular cheese its. The reduced fat may seem "healthier" but it's really not."


Just Eat The Fruit

"Fruit juice."


"People focus on the fact that it contains some nutrients, but not that it also contains as much sugar as Coca-Cola"


"This. The only truly healthful way to consume a fruit's juice is to eat the whole fruit. Peeling and eating an orange takes so much longer than chugging way too much juice. Plus the benefit of the fiber. Plus the benefit of fresh and natural vitamin C."


Seriously. Just Eat The Fruit.

"Fruit Juice. An 8 oz. glass of OJ has the sugar of 4 oranges with none of the fiber."


This One's A Real Bummer

"Those acai bowls are loaded with sugar."


"Ohhhh damn. I see why I've been rapidly gaining weight recently . Those damn delicious açaí bowl."


You might be doing something every day that's causing health deficiencies in your day to day living. The worst part of it all is the notion that this unhealthy thing you're doing is supposed to be "fun" or "relaxing."

From The Earth? Yes. Still Smoke? Also Yes.

"Smoking marijuana. And I say this as a daily toker. Inhaling smoke into your body is ALWAYS bad for you. It's just better than inhaling poison (cigarettes) into your body."


"This bothers so much. I smoked almost daily for 8 years, not as much now, but so many stoners refuse to acknowledge that inhaling ANY kind of smoke is bad for you. Yeah, cannabis has a lot of benefits. But putting any kind of mind-altering substance into your body it is not risk-free."


"Same with vaping. Just because it's a healthier alternative to cigarettes doesn't make it automatically healthy itself. It's just a good way to help those with smoking problems ween off it and be healthier. It's not meant to be used as a way to start an addiction. Addiction still kills."


Find That Right Balance

"Not so much anymore because there is much more awareness, but being out in the sun. My mom would force me to sunbathe when I was a child because it was "unhealthy" to be pale and that people would think I am gross. Now she's not even fifty and her face is pocked with scars from surgeries treating melanoma, and every year has to go back in to the doctor for more skin removal and to determine if she needs further, more intensive treatment."

"I have never sunbathed as an adult and religiously put on sunscreen, wear long sleeves and an "old man" hiking hat when I go just about anywhere outside. Please, everyone, protect your skin!"


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"But also on the flip side, it's really common to have a vitamin D deficiency if your skin never sees the sunlight, so make sure you're taking a supplement if that's the case. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to a whole host of its own issues. It feels like every health issue is some variation of a double sided coin."


The Truth Hits Like A Truck

"Being with someone because you don't want to be alone"


"Yes, but like many of the harmful things in this thread, it sure can be fun for a little while. Until the consequences start coming at you."


Online Jealousy Is A Thing

"Spending any more than an hour a day on the internet, unless gaming or working, social media will DESTROY your world view and by the time it comes to your 25th birthday youll have no friends no job and no life, be warned!!"


Relax With A Bottle...Or Three

"Alcohol. For example not matter what drink if it's a beer or Vodka. You're only allowed to drink a cup per hour. That's because our liver has his own process time for alcohol. So yeah. Indeed I wish people knew that better"


What can feel a little shocking about some of these things listed is the thought that you're doing something good for you. You're working out! What's the worst that can happen?

Sometimes Crushing It Every Day Can Crush You Every Day

"working out with 100% effort everyday"


"Agree. You can train different muscles, but in the end, you are still using the same nervous system. Also, Rhabdomyolysis is a thing, so….."


"In case anyone else feels the need to look it up:"

"Rhabdomyolysis is a potentially life-threatening syndrome resulting from the breakdown of skeletal muscle fibers with leakage of muscle contents into the circulation. The most common causes are crush injury, overexertion, alcohol abuse and certain medicines and toxic substances."


Talk. To. A. Doctor.

"Nothing really against those that do so and are followed closely by a doctor, dietician, and or other true health professional, there are many people that go into certain diets, running long distances, excessive exercise that are dying young or needing joint replacementsearly in life because they think more is always better or by going on a certain diet blindly is okay when everyone is different."

"If you have an undiagnosed genetic thing it can mess you good intentions up. This is why even professional athletes and dedicated amatuers work with dietians, doctors, PT, etc."


Feel Your Feelings. It's Okay.

"Toxic Positivity"

"Like trying to 'find the silver lining' in any case. It's dismissive and doesn't let people experience or process their emotions. It's along the same vein as gaslighting."

"A great example of this is in the movie Inside Out, where Bing Bong is depressed and Joy tries to get him to laugh instead of allowing him space to process. Instead, Sadness acknowledges his feelings and he's able to get through them. It's much more helpful than shoving the bad feelings under the rug."


You're Shifting Your Organs Around

"Waist trainers or like any fitness products for women for easy fitness. Women are a huge Target for fitness scams that hurt the body."


It's Goop. How Can You Not Trust It?

"Anything Gwyneth Paltrow is marketing."


"Hold on, you mean to tell me that shoving a jade egg up your vagina, isn't good for you?"


"The jade egg is probably the least unhealthy thing she sells, as it does absolutely nothing."


Not Doing What You Think

All of those "Detox" drinks, and gimmicks.


Take care of yourself. Don't fall for health fads. Start simple and keep at it every day.

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