Pet Owners Reveal The Cutest Things Their Animals Do That Actually Screw Them Over

Pet Owners Reveal The Cutest Things Their Animals Do That Actually Screw Them Over

Pets make our lives better just by being their fluffy, feathery, or scaly selves. They give us unconditional love and another being to spoil with too many toys and treats.

They are their own beings, however, and have their own idiosyncrasies and weird behaviors.

Sometimes these peculiarities are absolutely adorable, but they can also be a major pain in the butt.

Reddit user u/thoughtcity asked:

"Pet owners of Reddit: what is something seemingly caring and adorable that your pet does to you or for you, but screws you over a little?"


He lays on my bed when I'm gone. He does it because he likes my scent, but he sheds like no other.



I'm epileptic and I used to have a Dalmatian. I lived on my own when I had her. Whenever I felt a seizure coming on, I would call my parents to come help.

My dog would protect me during a seizure by standing over me and she would lick my face to bring me around afterwards. She was completely untrained.

The way it screwed me over was that when the paramedics arrived, she wouldn't let them near me until she knew I was fine. To the point where I'm sure she would have taken them down if they didn't take the hint from her. Sadly she ended up with cancer and had to be put down. I miss her. One of the goodest girls ever.



I have a lab/Great Dane mix and when I come home he trashes my whole living room with his tail-wagging. Feels good tho


Nothing more dangerous than a happy Lab's tail.



One of our current cats is really the first cat I've lived with in my life that actively grooms others. She does it to our foreheads a lot. It's a sign of love but that tongue can be really rough, and she doesn't shy away from eyelids, noses, or lips.



My dog really thinks she adds value to the household and earns her keep by barking at every truck that goes by. Even looks at me real pleased when she does it. Very adorable. Very loud.



If my dog wants to cuddle while you're looking at your phone, she will try to knock it out of your hands with her paw. It's cute, but it can be annoying. Especially if you're lying down and the phone falls on your face.



If my cat is in a bad mood she'll run at me as I'm walking and bite at my ankles, but if she's in a good mood she'll run at me and rub against me. It's 50/50 with this cat. Even if she's running to give me some love, I have to take defensive precautions in case it's an attack. This is especially stressful when it's dark and I'm walking down the stairs.



Whenever I pack my work bag my cat sits in it as if I won't realise and will take her to work with me. She always seems sad when I take her out



My dog always brings me my shoes when I say "we are going for a walk". Cute. But every new pair of shoes has a teeth hole in the back within a week.



My cat always opens my bathroom door when I'm in there. It's nice he wants to be with me but it leaves the door wide open and I have roommates.

If I know I'm gonna be in there a bit I turn on the shower because he's afraid of it.


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