Parents Break Down The Creepiest Thing Their Kids Have Ever Said To Them

Parents Break Down The Creepiest Thing Their Kids Have Ever Said To Them
Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

What is it about creepy kids?

There's just something about those high pitched voices uttering the darkest ideas and unexplained happenings.

In a recent Reddit thread, parents took a moment to discuss the scariest things their young children have ever said.

Usually occurring when their child awakes these parents in the dead of night, these anecdotes call to mind a slew of classic horror movie tropes.

Unfortunately, these all come from real life.

ExperimentalGeoff asked, "Parents of Reddit - what's the creepiest thing your kid has ever come out with that has given you the heebies?"

Deep Insight 

"Stayed with a family member for a few months while we were moving houses. My daughter was a little under two, and would always look at this one spot on the stairs that you could see from the living room (the stairs would go one direction, had a landing and go in another direction at a 90 degree angle)."

"She would watch it and smile, or point at it. Anywhere I picked her up, she would be fixated on this one spot."

"My family member mentioned one day it was the favorite napping place of her beloved cat that died happily and peacefully of old age."

-- allupinspace

So Nonchalant 

"When my youngest daughter was 4 we were watching TV and something about aliens came on and there was a drawing of a Grey."

"She looked at the screen and announced 'He looks like the man who sees me in the night.'"

-- dorkingwed

The Shadow Man

"Not a parent, but I was babysitting this kid across the street about a year ago. It was about 10 pm. The kid was in bed and I was watching some TV show when I saw something out of the corner of my eye."

"I looked and it was the kid just kinda staring at me. I asked if he was ok and all he said was"

"'The shadow man won't leave us alone.'"

"Needless to say I damn near sh@t bricks"

-- TMZombies

Who's Doing the Tickling?

"My daughter laughing in her bed... then asking if I tickled her feet"

"It's been years and it still makes me shiver"

-- UPnorthCamping

From the Time Before 

"My 5 year old daughter asked my and my wife why we couldn't hear her scream when she was in mommy's tummy." -- tball_524

"Why did you make me imagine that" -- kidneywastaken

"I'm not sleeping good tonight" -- mex_taco

Fever Dreams and Fever Nightmares

"My then-3 year old was asleep next to me in bed running a nasty fever. At some point he woke up, staring wide-eyed at a corner of the ceiling, slowly raised a shaking hand and pointed at it saying 'monster there.'"

"The sheer terror in his voice is what nearly made me crap myself."

-- lackaface

Sometimes No Words are Needed

"It wasn't something he came out with. But about a year ago, my then 2.5 year old son and I were playing. Sitting on the bed, laughing, him facing me. All of a sudden he looked behind me and his smile fades to a look of horror, like he was about to cry but couldn't move or make a sound."

"I whipped around ready to fight and there was nothing there. I looked back at him and asked him what he was looking at, and he just ignored me and started playing again."

-- rehilda

Stop Doing That!

"So this isn't something my kids ever 'came out with' but the creepiest thing they ever did was come into our room in the middle of the night and just stand there??!!!"

"You wake up because you just get the feeling that someone is looking at you or you can 'feel' something in the room and there they are, just standing there in the damn dark not saying a word staring at you inches away from your face!!!!!"

"Why??!!! Who the hell does that?? They didn't want anything, just seeing if we were awake. First time I ever felt like hurting my kids just because I was so scared lol."

-- ab***forfun

Nope Nope Nope 

"My daughter's not quite 18 months yet, so she's still got lots of time to freak me out in the future, but so far?"

"It was the time a few weeks ago when she stopped dead in the hallway, started crying, and said, 'Night, hurt! Night! Dark!' It was the middle of the day with all the lights on."

"We went for a drive just to get the heck out of the house for a bit. Mama don't play with no Dark Hurt."

-- AlwaysWantsIceCream

Bathroom Man 

"Not a parent but my mother works at a child nursery (daycare i think they are called in America) and its in England so this building is 150+ years old and a lot of the children all <5 years old have asked about an old man, no men work there or have worked there in the last 10 years."

"One kid refuses to go to the bathroom alone cuz the old man is in the bathroom and one asked why an old man was sat in the corner of the main play room."

"I have been in at night to help tidy up and stuff and every time I would be there the radio would just stop working at 11pm it would be working fine all day then just turns off and doesn't come back on."

-- SirObalobus

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