People Share The Craziest Wedding Objections They've Ever Witnessed

People Share The Craziest Wedding Objections They've Ever Witnessed
Photo by Tom Pumford on Unsplash

Weddings are stressful enough––yes, you read that correctly. Weddings are stressful. According to a recent Zola study of 500 engaged or newlywed couples, 40 percent categorized wedding planning as "extremely stressful." 71 percent said they considered it more stressful than life events like starting a new job!

What can make an already stressful situation go from bad to worse? Why, having some rando object to the nuptials, of course. Believe it or not, it happens, as we learned once Redditor justanotheroverlord asked the online community, "People who've attended weddings where someone objected, what happened?"

"Bride reluctantly invited..."

Bride reluctantly invited her very racist mother whom she was estranged from at her family's insistence. Objected because whites can't mix with blacks and all that.


"My brother's best friend..."

My brother's best friend was about to get married when his ex objected.

She meant it was a sin and completely wrong to get married with another woman as she and my brother's friend had a child together.

What happened? Their child (11yr old girl) started crying and yelling that the only reason she (the ex, aka the mom) was invited was because she (the child) begged that her mom could attend.

We often laugh out that the kid didn't get her moral compass from her mother's side.


"We were just sitting there while the priest..."

My one cousins wedding. This was in Ireland. The weddings are very religious over there if you are a Catholic. We were just sitting there while the priest was talking. One of his "friends" got up, and said Conor (not his real name) I should've told you earlier, but she slept with me, and one of our mutual cousins. He claimed he wouldn't be a good catholic if he let it slide. Everyone gasped, and both my cousins pressed him. His story crumbled like crazy, my uncle punched him in the face, and we waited like 45 minutes. The priest said "I don't endorse violence but he deserved it". The wedding continue, and all went well. Only other thing that happened is cops took statements from a few people including my Uncle, and the priest who didn't leave yet.


"I didn't know these people then..."

I didn't know these people then, but some of my friends who work at Disney did a wedding where they all had a "part" to play to make the wedding as chaotic/stereotypical as possible

There was the child who tasted the cake before everyone else ate, the drunk uncle, the people who proposed at the wedding, the underdressed cousin who made it all about themselves, the objector, the crashers, and a bunch more. There were like 100 people there.

It really seemed like a fun wedding that only a bunch of theater kids could pull off.


"All of my family knew from the beginning..."

I was around 5-7 years old, my cousin was marrying a guy I later came around to, but, I was the one to object. All of my family knew from the beginning that I didn't want her to marry that guy she only knew for 2/3 months, but everyone else didn't seem to mind. When the priest asked the question I stood up from my seat and started crying like crazy and started screaming my protests of their relationship. Everyone was staring at me while my mom was trying to make me sit back down and come down. Surely after my tantrum I was exhausted and fell asleep on my moms lap and slept until the ceremony was over.

Turns out years later when I actually started to like the guy my cousin decided to divorce him cause of his abuse on her, but turns out I was the one to accidentally open her eyes. So you could say it was my fault they got a divorce. My family once in a while on our gathering likes to bring up how everyone was wrong about him and that I knew all along they weren't meant to be. So now my family sees me as a cupid and wants me to rate my cousins new "boyfriend" cause apparently I'm good at this love stuff


"At a gay wedding..."

At a gay wedding, the sister of one of the grooms stood up and yelled that marriage is a man and a woman.

She got kicked out.


"Last I checked..."

One wedding I went to was during my freshman year of high school (it wasn't with anyone in my family, but it was for my friend's family and he wanted someone his age that he got along with there so I tagged along). It was supposed to be a beautiful ceremony, and it was all going well until the part where objections came up.

The bride herself had objected, saying that the groom didn't love her like that before she let the other shoe drop. The groom was a gay man who was being pressed by his parents to marry a woman. Turns out she knew the entire time they were 'together' and only acted in love when they were around the groom's family when in actuality they were just pretty good friends

Now the groom's family was starting to get riled up, but when the groom pulled up his best man (though anyone who could put one and one together could see that they were dating) to the alter they went completely ballistic, yelling and screaming slurs and shit like that. They left after all but essentially disowning him but the wedding went on. The two men got married and the reception went off without a hitch.

Last I checked with my friend they were still going strong, and the groom and would-be bride were still good friends.


"She was against the wedding..."

I was in a friend's wedding and the groom's mother didn't bother to attend. She was against the wedding in the first place. The church then had a door to the right side and the officiant was talking when the door opened. Everyone looked at that direction as it was raining cats and dogs outside with thunder echoing to the church halls. It was the groom's aunt who sneered at us and sat to the groom's side. It was uncomfortable and awkward. She didn't even say sorry for interrupting the minister. I'm friends with the bride and it was even worse at the reception. The only one who was there for the groom is his aunt and his best friend.


"She thought it would be best..."

Someone who knows the bride objected and said that the bride had slept with a Sudanese exchange student in college and aborted the biracial black baby. Yes, the bride is one of those types of white women. She also knew the groom is very conservative and knew the groom would want a divorce if he found about his bride's history. She thought it would be best to save them both the misery of a divorce after children, so she brought the truth to light.

The wedding was canceled.


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