People Explain Which Common Skills They Just Can't Seem To Master

People Explain Which Common Skills They Just Can't Seem To Master

Honestly, we can't have everything as people. We can't have our cake and eat it too. Sometimes, we can't even have the cake, because...well...we suck at baking.

Common skills may not actually be common. It's hard to tell--being a person requires so many various and different skills, especially in the 21st century. Nobody can really cook, clean, do laundry, fold laundry, make phone calls, send emails, go to the gym, etc. without trip-ups here and there. Right?

Redditor chickennuggets267 asked:

What's a common skill that you just don't have?

Here were some of the answers.

Make The L Shapes!

"Can't tell left and right without a moment to work it out."

"At 70, I still need to face the imaginary south wall of my first-grade classroom."


"I have a birthmark on the palm of my right hand, never bothered memorizing which side is which, i just check my hands."


Some Of Us Are Never Blessed With This Skill

"Penmanship. My handwriting hasn't improved since 4th grade."


"I had a fifth grade teacher tell me my cursive had gotten worse compared to the prior year. And he was totally right. But it was fifth grade, we were never going to see each other again, and I was a good student and we got along well so he just gave me A's on it."

"Then besides my signature I've never used cursive anyway. I can type like lightning but my handwriting is still sh*tty."


Memories Can Go Like This Though

"Easily remember events in the past few hours. I usually only remember being there. No conversations, no one talking, no eating, nothing. Just being there and a couple of important things that happened."


"My entire memory is like this. It's like my memory is more a collection of post it notes than anything else."

"Some people remember their vacation 5 years ago and all the cool things they saw and heard and did and I'm like 'I know for a fact I've been here. I cannot tell you a single thing that occurred while I was there.'"


With so many common skills in the world, we were bound to miss out on one of them at some point.

Avid Pedestrianism

"Driving. I grew up poor, so we rarely had a car. I couldn't afford driving lessons. When we did have a car, it was too costly to add me to the insurance."

"I've also been in 2 separate crashes in my life, so I'm not eager to get behind the wheel. Fortunately, I have an electric bike and my city has decent public transit. Maybe I can afford a vehicle and lessons someday. 🤷"


"I'm 32 this month just took my first lesson today it was fun as hell! Same story as you pretty was poor as sh*t and the idea of me working just to pay for my own car seemed awful. "

"I figured I might as well just get it done been putting it off for so long. Tbh if you're used to cycling around a city it doesn't seem as scary."

"I'm only one lesson in but I felt I had a lot of the 'awareness' skills developed from cycling around big city traffic situations. Although I can understand now easy it is to just not see a cyclist from a car."


I Love Mess

"Folding laundry properly."

"I can do an acceptable job, but I'll never achieve the easy perfection my wife casually displays."


"Watch Marie Condo in secret, then shock the heck out of your wife one day."


It May Actually Be Harder Than Rocket Science

"I don't know if it's exactly 'common' per se, but the ability to do that high pitched whistle you hear people do at concerts or sporting events. I've tried, but I just can't manage to make my mouth do it."


"I couldn't whistle until I knocked my teeth out (right before high school). Now I can whistle beautifully but still can't do the loud 'attention getting' whistle. Tried the 'tongue thing' and the 'two fingers.' Can't whistle loud."


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Do You Form Words?

"I don't form mental images. Like if you describe something I don't form a picture in my head."


"Same, But as a result I have fantastic abity to repair machines."

"Most people form a visual understanding and can't include non visual info. Like weight, stregnth, vibration etc... i can keep track of all these non visual concepts and they are not drowned out by a simple picture."


The good thing is, we may have picked up some rather uncommon skills to fill in the space in the meanwhile.

Hi Hello Uh Yes

"Leaving a confident voicemail."

"I fumble words, talk in circles and embarrass myself every time."


"Yep. I work a consulting job and talk to people over the phone constantly, but when it comes to leaving a voicemail I just totally lose my mojo."

"What I started doing a few years ago that works well for me is writing down the content of a potential voicemail in a notepad file prior to a call, and then if I get the voice mailbox, I just read it verbatim with a natural inflection."

"I do this in preparation for nearly every call I place, even when I expect the person to pick up."


Oracle Of Seasons

"If it counts, I don't have a signature. I don't need one in the modern world but when it comes to the rare occasion where I need one, I just scribble a vague curly line."

"If that doesn't count, I find it harder than I really should to remember the months and seasons. I was never really taught them at school for some reason, or maybe I was off sick or something."

"I do know them and the order obviously but if you asked me what the 7th month was, I'd have to count through them in order."

"And I have no idea what way round spring and autumn goes and what months they are. I know January is winter and July is summer, any others is just a total guess."

"And don't get me started on how many days are in each month. I've got no idea. February is 28 and December has 31 and that's all I know."


Not-So Successful Saving

"Understanding how to make money earn money. I live paycheck to paycheck and i can never ever seem to get ahead."

"Everytime i save a little bit, suddenly it's time for new wiper blades, or new brakes or new shoes or it's winter and I'm adding salt to my grocery list every week."

"Building a budget is nigh impossible."


We can all take comfort, if we see ourselves on this list, that we are not alone in our struggles.

We will ride the struggle bus together, and maybe, just maybe, we can find another struggle bus and have a skill exchange. That's called quid pro quo.

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