People Divulge Which Things Are Classy When You're Rich And Trashy If You're Poor

The price of lobster used to be dirt-cheap because they were so plentiful. In fact, it became known as the "poor man's protein" among European settlers and it was often fed to the imprisoned and the enslaved.

But times have changed – lobster is pricey and considered a high-end meal. If you've ever heard someone complain about poor people on welfare who are enjoying a nice meal once in a while, you might want to educate them.

People shared their thoughts with us after Redditor Seraphina_Renaldi asked the online community,

"What is classy if you’re rich, but trashy if you’re poor?"


"Being on a first name basis with a judge."


A spot on answer. They do they there are two justice systems: One for the rich and one for everyone else.


"Wearing a bathrobe all day."


It's the difference between looking lazy and looking... well, like Hugh Hefner.

"Someone else...

"Someone else raising your kids."


Haha, isn't that the painful truth?! We all felt that one.

"If a poor person drinks..."

"Drinking in general. If a poor person drinks someone will say, 'No wonder they're poor, they spend all their money on alcohol.' The rich won't be judged for it if they decide to spend hundreds of dollars on a bottle of scotch because they're rich."


This is very true. Many believe that the poor should not be allowed to enjoy the finer things in life.


"Casinos. The biggest disparity is looking at the people in the high stakes areas that are roped off, and compare them with the people waiting in the breezeway for the bus, after they have blown their monthly income."


Casinos are depressing. They're not like the movies at all.

"Getting money..."

"Getting money from the government."


If you are rich it is called a bailout. If you are poor you should work harder. Love how that works.

"If you live in..."

"If you live in a tiny home it’s ‘eco friendly’ but if you live in a trailer you’re trash."


This is spot on. Trailers should not have that stigma attached.


"Buying old cars."


Those classy rich folk buying all of the ‘98 Grand Ams!


"Moving around a lot."


I don't think moving around as a kid is ever luxurious. It's just romanticized.


"Minimalism. Can you really call yourself a minimalist if you’re just too poor to afford stuff?"


Being poor, minimalism is very useful. It's also the only choice.

It's quite the world we live in, and the wealth disparity can be a lot to take in.

Have some observations of your own? Tell us more in the comments below!

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