People Explain Which Behaviors They're Getting Too Old To Even Tolerate

People Explain Which Behaviors They're Getting Too Old To Even Tolerate
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

The cruel reality of life is our looming expiration dates as we age like fine wine.

The things we used to put up with now test our patience. Sure, it's a depressing thought.

But now that we've acknowledged a hopefully much-delayed inevitable, it's easy to make the most of our time on this planet and fill it with joy and as much gut-busting fits of laughter.

That meanas not dwelling on the little things that drive us crazy. Because ultimately, are they ever really that bad?

Probably not. We don't have time for that.

Curious to hear about the annoyances in life people don't put with anymore, Redditor dangnabbitdamnit asked:
"What sh*t are you getting too old for?"

These Redditors talk about protecting their physical temple, since it's the only one we've got.

Blocking Harmful Rays

"Not wearing sunscreen. Just had my 1st melanoma cut out of my arm. Wear sunscreen kids."


Catching More Zzz's

"Staying up past my bedtime."


"Agreed. I'm currently up past my bedtime and I know I'm gonna regret it.. yet here I am."


Joint Discomfort

"My knees."


"I hear you. Fractured patella and arthritis don't mix well."


These people have become less concerned about nonsense behaviors.

You Do You

"I'm too old to give a damn whether people think my pastimes are ridiculous."


Making Excuses

"BS excuses. Stop trying to make up elaborate, unbelievable stories. Just tell me you forgot, or you overslept, or whatever. It's fine. I get it. But don't expect me to believe your convoluted, half-@ss ramblings. Grow up and own your shortcomings."


Owning The Inner Nerd

"I love that the older I get, the deeper I steep into this pool of 'self.' I used to be deeply secretive of everything I was interested in because it could be seen as 'nerdy' and didn't jive with my 'outer persona'...but now at 31 with a kid of my own, I'm like who gives a f'k? If someone actually cares and thinks I'm a nerd for studying history in my spare time, then bye..? My opinion of you plummeted and I no longer want you in my vicinity."

"I really wish I could instill this in my daughter too, but I know it's not something you can really teach. You have to live through it and come to the conclusion yourself...whenever that may be."


Getting Territorial

"These kids on my damn lawn!"


"OMG spot on. I just moved into a new home a month ago. My lawn is dead because the previous owners had moved out months prior and no one watered, so the lawn looks terrible"

"Three neighborhood kids come running down the street playing a game, running through lawns and all, innocent, not destroying anything - and I about lost my shit. 'GET OFF MY LAWN' I yelled out the window. Then immediately felt guilty and old LOL"

"I'm only 40 btw."


A person wasting time beating around the bush to convey their thoughts was considered a huge time suck.

Saying What You Mean To Say

"Playing 'interpret the text message' with people I am dating. I am going to accept what you are saying at face value, and if your actions don't match, I will likely call you on it and flat out ask what's up. We're not teenagers anymore, and I left teenage angst behind long ago!"


Mature Enough To Handle Rejection

"Best part of being an adult. You can cut the bullsh*t."

"With the last girl I dated before I met my wife, I had a sense that her heart really wasn't in it. So I just straight up asked her if that was the case."

'Are you invested in this relationship at all? I won't be angry with your answer, I just need to know if I'm gonna keep making an effort.'

'Honestly, no. You're a great guy but I'm just not feeling it.'

'Good to know. It's been fun, thanks for being honest.'

"Life's too f'king short to jerk people around, or allow it to happen to you."


No Time For Decoding Texts

"When my wife and I first got together I had to explain it to her I have no interest in deciphering anything, just tell me exactly what you want and we'll be good. One of the reasons my ex and I are not together was that I got real tired of 'I know I sent you these exact words, but what I REALLY meant was (something different entirely) AND YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT!'"


Throughout my early adulthood, I've always avoided confrontation.

I've hated it. I always thought if something bothered me enough, the annoyance over something or beef I have with someone would dissipate. But it doesn't. Not for me anyway.

My pent-up resentment was crippling and I've blown up at inappropriate moments when I could've addressed my issues earlier when the collateral damage would've been more minimal.

I speak up more now, and it's no longer something I cower over. The results have been more positive than I ever imagined.

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