People Break Down What Behavior The Average Person Thinks Is Illegal But Actually Isn't

Did you know that there are many people out there who believe that driving barefoot is illegal?

That's just a rumor, by the way, and it likely started because many states have a law saying you must be wearing unobstructing footwear that won’t get in the way of operating the pedals.

The more you know!

Also, can you imagine being arrested for going barefoot? Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?

People shared more with us after Redditor MoneyBonus8979 asked the online community:

"What is something the average person thinks is illegal that actually isn’t?"

"Counting cards..."

"Counting cards at a casino black jack table."


It's just a strategy, nothing illegal about that. If casinos catch you, they can bar you from coming back, but you cannot be arrested.

"Cops lying to you..."

"Cops lying to you. (U.S.) They don't have to tell you they're a cop. They can say literally anything to extract information."


Especially during interrogations. Anything to get you to incriminate yourself. Always request a lawyer and don't say anything else.

"Doesn't mean..."

"Giving cops the middle finger. It's protected under freedom of speech. Doesn't mean it's smart to do and they won't find some reason to make your day hell. But it's legal."


Profanity is indeed generally protected per the First Amendment. Though yes, you might want to be mindful.

"Piracy if you download..."

"Piracy, if you download in most countries. It's illegal to distribute pirated material but not to download it, mostly because the laws are a decade or two behind."

"Here in Canada, for instance, a copyright owner can send a warning notification to the internet provider and they're legally obligated to pass it on, but they have no obligation to punish you for it. I don't think any major providers here ban people, it doesn't affect them and you're still paying them."


You wouldn't download a car, would you?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

"It's completely legal..."

"It’s completely legal for a woman to be topless in public in New York City, and I believe total nudity in public is legal in Washington or Oregon or possibly both."


Meanwhile, I know in Seattle they have this spring time thing where a lot of people ride bicycles naked like a big naked parade of bike riders.

"In my state..."

"In my state, turning left on a red light when you’re on a one-way and turning onto another one-way. Nobody knows, nobody goes, and it drives me bonkers."


You see, this is why I just wouldn't want to get behind the wheel anytime soon.

"Discussing wages..."

"Discussing wages with your fellow employees."


Not only is it legal, your right to do so is protected by the National Labor Relations Act of 1935. It’s actually illegal to tell your employees not to talk about wages with each other.

"Driving with..."

"Driving with the interior light on in the car."


If you're a dad driving, its both illegal and a death sentence.

"Tax avoidance."

"Tax avoidance. Perfectly legal. Tax evasion is a completely different story."


Many people don't understand the difference, while at the same time engage in tax avoidance every year with their 401k plans, IRA investments, Healthcare Savings Accounts, Commuter Benefits, Flexible Spending Accounts, Mortgage interest deduction, etc.

"In Canada..."

"In Canada, women can be shirtless wherever men can though women still get arrested for this."


Most of the USA, too. As long as you’re just going about your business and not “attempting to arouse prurient interest” or words to that effect you’re legally–LEGALLY–fine.

Surprised by any of these? Feel liberated, maybe? They say you don't know what you don't know... and now you know. So get out there and let your freak flag fly (or not).

Have some observations of your own? Feel free to tell us more in the comments below!

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