People Break Down What Becomes More Annoying With Age

You know how it goes. You go your whole life sleeping okay until you sleep wrong and pull something. How did that even happen? Well, it sneaks up on you.

That's aging for you. Our bodies start to betray us (but it's important to maintain a sense of humor about it). And guess what? It won't be just your body that begins to annoy you as you get older.

People just... suck, man. We're stuck with them, alas.

The online community was keen to share their insights after Redditor hxnry_010 asked,

"As you get older, what's something that becomes increasingly annoying?"


"Clutter! Stuff! It didn't bother me that much when I was younger, but it's definitely something that's gotten increasingly on my nerves as I passed into my 30s."

"Definitely exacerbated by the grandmother-in-law who will not stop giving us stuff, no matter how often we ask her to."


This is why I continue to purge things, and I am still young! I don't want to deal with it when I'm older!

"Loud, dark restaurants..."

"Loud, dark restaurants - can't hear the server or my friends and can't read the menu without my phone flashlight."


I am definitely already annoyed about this. I want to enjoy my food, thank you very much, and I don't want to lose my hearing while I'm at it.

"People looking at their phone..."

"Lack of awareness - everywhere."

"People looking at their phone while driving, not really listening to the person they're talking to, blocking the grocery aisle with their cart, leaving messes for someone else to clean up, taking good friends or family for granted, contradicting themselves with cognitive dissonance, screwing everyone behind them when the left turn is green, etc."

"You're not the only person trying to live your life today."


This is the worst! I can't believe how many people just draw a blank in the middle of a supermarket while out in public.

"Sharing the burden..."

"Sharing the burden of other peoples self-induced personal drama."


An understatement.

Therapy helps. Get some. It'll make you a better person and your friends won't hate you. In fact, they'll be quite happy for you.

"As a kid..."

"Honestly just drama. As a kid, I didn't notice it. As a teen, it was all around me and I was half involved. As an adult, I'm so f**king sick and tired of hearing stupid drama."


Yes, this and gossip! I don't want to hear it, thank you very much!

"When do adults get summer break?"

"Working non-stop. When do adults get summer break? It's been 16 years."


I wasn't put on this earth to work yet here I am with bills to pay... sigh.

"Waking up three hours..."

"Waking up three hours before it's time to get up because you're in pain because your bladder is full. The worst."


This is already happening to me. WHYYYYYYY


"Discovering new aches and pains when you get up in the morning."


Okay, I'm still safe. I think...



"Small print."

"Seriously, food manufacturers, you don't need to write the cooking instructions in 7-point Arial Narrow."


I hate super small print so so much. It needs to be abolished.

"People who can't..."

"People who just can't shut the hell up. Especially on the bus or train. I just want to go back to sleep."


We can definitely file this under "lack of awareness." People are ridiculous–no one wants to hear you talk to your family members on speakerphone on a bus!

Well, well, I'm feeling super cantankerous after reading these. I don't know about the rest of you but I think it's about time I go find a lawn and tell young kids to get off it.

Getting older?

See something here that you really relate to or something missing?

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