Americans Explain Which Country They'd Move To If They Actually Left The USA

Where in the world shall we go?

The world is a vast, beautiful place, with so much unknown to most of us. There is an infinite amount of places to visit and reside besides the ones that we've called home. Currently America is in the throes of an existential crisis. There is so much upheaval and turmoil. The tumult can be a lot to take on a daily basis. So it makes sense that some citizens have been daydreaming about a different take on scenery.

Redditor u/BubbaGumpSmollett wanted to hear from Americans about where in the world they would head to when America is not an option by asking.... Americans of Reddit who believe that the USA is a terrible country (for any reason), you are given a free ticket to any country in the world. Which country do you choose and why?



Luxembourg, because everybody else in this thread is saying New Zealand and god damn it it's going to be crowded down there before too long.


New Zealand. Good weather, nice people and cool scenery.


To Justin....

Canada, but I'm in Florida and it's kinda not America.


You can drive to Canada you don't even need a ticket.


Being Norwegian. 

Norway. Live up in isolation away from the cities. If not that I'd pick Germany. I have an easier time speaking and learning German than Norwegian.


Norwegian is tricky, and duolingo does a bad job teaching Norwegian as it is such a small language with many words for one single thing. German is forced to be taught in schools here, so most of us speak two to three languages.


To the Beach.


Basically any tropical island.

It has always been my dream to live on my own island even if it's less than 1/2 an acre. (Completely off the grid)

Netherlands would be my choice for a developed country. That place is absolutely gorgeous. (Among many other great features).


A Sensible Place. 



I am from the US and have been living in Finland for the last two years. I can confirm that its a very nice place to be. They have a sensible government, great education, wonderful work/life balance, nice mild weather in the south, and strangers don't try to talk to me.😌


Oh Danny Boy. 

Ireland because I already moved here and if I could get citizenship here it would be great (visas are a pain in the butt). I'm from Florida and people think I'm nuts for living in Dublin but I think each year I just block out how miserable winter can be.


being "better"

Amazing how this whole thread is someone saying a place they would love to move to followed by a dozen comments about how that's a horrible idea.

We get it, your country isn't perfect either. Nowhere is. It might not even be "better" than America, however you want to define that. Sometimes it's just nice to imagine living somewhere else when your current life sucks. There's no harm in imagining a better situation for yourself, so let people indulge without all the negativity.




I'd move to Iceland in a heartbeat if citizenship were on the table. It's a beautiful country with a well-run government that actually seems to care whether its citizens thrive. I enjoy the weather, the vibe, and the culture.


So many taxes....

Norway. I hate doing my taxes that much, and they prefill your tax form there. Also I don't hate the US. If you want more money, come to the US. I really don't give a crap about money TBH. Free time is way more important. I'll take a drop in hours and a drop in pay (in the case of being a programmer).




I've thought new Zealand, it's nice and sunny, seems laid back. Canada seems awesome. England Australia. Switzerland. There are so many wonderful choices. I've actually been thinking about this a lot. I think it boils down to anywhere with universal healthcare with a majority of nice people.



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