Adults Share What Inconveniences From Their Past Millennials Will Never Have To Face

Adults Share What Inconveniences From Their Past Millennials Will Never Have To Face

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There have always been generational differences in society, but with the fast pace advancements in technology in today's world the differences are more drastic than ever. Millennials in particular will never understand the struggles and joys of pre-social media life. What are they really missing out on?

1975-2050 asks:

What inconvenience will people born after 2000 never fully appreciate?

The printed directions

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Printing out a thick stack of MapQuests instruction for a 3 day road trip

No cop outs

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Date and time of meeting up with friends was set in stone, because you couldn't message to say you're running late or want to meet elsewhere.

It seems there is no need to memorize anything anymore

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Remembering phone numbers. I still remember old numbers that aren't even in use now yet I don't know those of people that I talk to now on the daily.

Floppy disks!

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Installing large software programs with a stack of floppies.

"Please insert disk 4 of 28."

If you want a smooth play, avoid bumps

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Portable CD players that would skip when you hit a bump in the road

This was a crime

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When the person who rented the videotape before you was not kind and didn't rewind

The patience required back then was immense!

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Dial up internet. Waiting 3 hours for a (COMPLETELY LEGAL) download of a 50 Cent song, only for it to be Thomas the Tank Engine

How romantic!

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The rush when the landline rings and you wonder if it's the one you've been waiting for

What is life without Google?

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Uggghhh, what was her name? you know, the actress in the movie about the lion and the tin man and the wizard of Oz? What was her name? D***, I'll have to ask mom on Monday when I see her.

It's a party!

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Watching the new episode of a hot television show on the same day at the same time as everyone else, with no pausing for potty breaks- that's what commercials were good for- and no rewind if you missed something.

Human interaction has taken a turn

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Not sure if inconvenience or blessing but not having constant contact. Even when we had pagers you had to find a pay phone. No social media so talking to your friends and visiting them was the only way to know what was happening in their lives. Photo albums getting pulled out of the closet to show people your vacation or wedding. Or when calling a friend/family house after 6pm and them not answering bringing concern if things were ok or were they ignoring you. No email, no texting, some of did not have answering machines. It's very surreal to me how personal contact has changed in the world. As a result I think these 'conveniences' are the main cause of people impatience.

Privacy was a privilege

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"Hi Mr. Jackson is Wendy there?"

"Who's this?"




"So how are you, Soomuchcoffee?"

"I'm uh, I'm good. Ya. Good. Same old you know."


"Hey Wendy, wanna get ice cream with me?"




"Ice cream sounds great, I'll see you at 6:30."



The limited storage space

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Please insert disc 2 to continue

Accessibility without the internet at your finger tips was tricky

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You want movie times? You had to know your theater's phone number and call (from a landline/payphone). Or look in the local newspaper. Or go to the actual theater.

You want good seats for a new popular movie? Better go early and wait in line.

It's crazy that I bought tickets for Force Awakens months before it opened with my seats selected all on my phone while pooping at work.

Episode 1 was an all day experience. My friend and I ditched class. Sat in front of the theater at 8 am to buy tickets. Bought our tickets at the box office when it opened. Sat in line to get good seats til midnight. We were 3rd in line. Still wouldn't trade those times though.

Life without Easypass...

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Sitting in line on a tollway waiting to put your $0.40 in the basket.

Ahh, the good ol' days

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Calling and requesting a radio station to play your song. And hope they pick up and play it.

You had to have muscles to do this

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Summoning strength to roll the cars window up or down.

There was no internet for TV to be on...

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"D*** it! My VCR didn't record the show! Now I'll have to wait until the summer for the rerun to see how it ended!"


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Screens that weren't backlit.

Can you imagine the struggle people today would have without this precious tool!?

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This is an old one, before my time, but there was no magic wand that allowed you to correct anything you typed. You had to white it out, put the paper back in, line it all up, and retype the letter, then move everything to return where you left off. Didn't matter if you typed slow or whatever, mistakes would happen and if you didn't want to look like an idiot that didn't proofread, you did it every single time.

I can't imagine it. Nowadays words correct themselves if the software you're using has the ability to 'guess' what you're trying to say. Back then things were basically upgraded versions of the printing press, making marks when you decided to manipulate the mechanism it was attached to. As I type this my phone has corrected at least 30 spelling mistakes automatically and this probably took a minute and a half to type out. If the mistakes I made just stayed as they were it'd probably be, what, 20 minutes on a typewriter minimum?

It f**** me up just thinking about it.

Teacher standing in front of a classroom
Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

It's a teacher's job to leave a lasting impression and set a good example for their students.

With this in mind, particularly in this age of viral videos and social media, teachers have to be very careful of what they say during class hours.

Even so, there are very few teachers who haven't said something they've regretted when teaching a class.

Sometimes to control unruly students, other times when they've simply had enough.

Then too, sometimes teachers leave their students baffled and perplexed by what they say in their classroom, well aware of what they were saying.

Always making for a memorable story.

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