People Break Down Their Absolute Biggest Turn Offs In A Partner

People Break Down Their Absolute Biggest Turn Offs In A Partner
Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay

Sure, looks are important, but they fade over time.

Wouldn't you want to spend romantic evenings with someone with whom you share similar passions and a sense of humor?
Sure, quality characteristics are difficult to recognize at first glance, and it takes time to get to know someone.

But there are disagreeable traits that just stick out like a sore thumb when meeting someone for the first time.

People who are cocky and obnoxious are easily some of the most common, detectable turnoffs, but there are more red flags to look out for when pursuing someone.

Curious to hear what some of those are, Redditor hazard35 asked:
"What's your biggest turn off?"

Don't be fooled by good looks.

Prospective dates may be dreamy on the outside, but who they are in the inside could indicate they're not dating material.

Playing Tough

"The 'mean guy' persona."


It's A Mood



"Sigma male grindset."


Better Than You

"Always trying to one-up you or people you talk to​."


Feigning Lunacy

"I'm a psycho hehehehe. Better be careful dating me I'm crazy heheheh'"

"I've lived with a schizophrenic parent, it's a very bad ride for the people closest to the person suffering. pretending you're crazy to look edgy is literally the biggest turn off for me."

"Just admit you're a jealous person, don't pull the 'I'm crazy hehe' card."


Mistreating Of Others



"Animal cruelty."


Bad body odor can be a dating repellent. Occasional bathers, take heed.

Makes Scents

"Lack of hygiene."


"My old roommate dated a guy for a bit until she found out he showers without soap. He said the chlorine in the city water was enough to clean him..."


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That Tracks

"I know an 'influencer' who is dating a lawyer for his money... he sleeps without underwear and only ever wipes once. So... almost every night she wakes up and he's left skidmarks on the bedsheet..."


Oral Offense

"Agree 100%. Especially if they don't brush their teeth 🤢​"


Place They Call Home

"People who don't have clean houses. I don't mind mess and norm stuff like people smelling occasionally but people who are not clean in the kitchen and bathroom are gross."


These are just bad habits.

Leaving Trash

"Litter bugs. I dated a girl for about 6 months until I found out she would constantly litter. Her excuse was 'Someone will pick it up.'"

"We didn't last much longer after that."



"When people lie to me, even when I know the truth. That and bad hygiene."



"Not sure if it's the biggest one, but when a person talks about others behind their back. I think we all do it when frustrated, but when someone makes it a part of their daily life, it becomes toxic and frankly undesirable."


Quick To Judge

"mocking some's hobbies or interests without even having a general understanding of that thing."


Always Condescending

"Belittling your partner."


When Their Phone Is More Interesting

"When they are staring at their smartphone, especially during a dinner date. It's a good reason to walk out."


Hands down, the biggest turn off for me is a person with halitosis.

Perhaps it is very shallow of me to admit, but all it takes for me to dismiss someone is if they have really bad breath—regardless of their charming personality.

Yes, the prognosis for halitosis is good with proper oral hygiene.

But until it is taken care of, I would be apprehensive about going in for the lip lock with someone who can potentially breathe fire into my lungs with their potent fumes.

Teacher standing in front of a classroom
Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

It's a teacher's job to leave a lasting impression and set a good example for their students.

With this in mind, particularly in this age of viral videos and social media, teachers have to be very careful of what they say during class hours.

Even so, there are very few teachers who haven't said something they've regretted when teaching a class.

Sometimes to control unruly students, other times when they've simply had enough.

Then too, sometimes teachers leave their students baffled and perplexed by what they say in their classroom, well aware of what they were saying.

Always making for a memorable story.

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